Saturday, July 19, 2014

Writing A Book Review 10 Tips

There are a few very important things to keep in mind when writing online whether blog post, article, book review, or whatever other content you may be writing.  The most important thing is there is no perfect system.  Each writers success is not the following of a specific format, but rather finding their creative voice.  Everything you write should look good and feel right to you.  The second is writers never become big online with their first attempt at writing.  To become liked or well known write constantly.  Now on to my book reviewing tips.

Tip 1: If you want a format use the old time honored one of introduction first, content second, and ending with the conclusion.

Tip 2: When writing a review be very careful of telling to much of the story.  Any book can have the main points put down in an article with those points told the book is ruined for whoever is reading the review.  Do not give away any information important to the story line.

Tip 3: Pros and Cons.  Something I really like doing with my book reports is first telling what I enjoyed about the story and second telling what I did not enjoy.  Make sure to give specifics.  Example for this would be rather than saying the characters were static say John the main antagonist showed no creativity, force, or thought in his actions.

Tip 4: Figure out what a good story means to you.  Book reviews and in fact all literature have their quality in the perspective of the reader.  This means what you think is a terrible book someone else will think is brilliant.  Figure out your thoughts of what makes a good story.

Tip 5: Read everything and finish everything you read.  This is absolutely one of the most important aspects of writing successful reviews.  The more well read you are the better chance you stand of understanding what types of literature are well done and what types are poorly done.

Tip 6: Don't limit your writing to book reviews.  The best writers are those who write and write and write.  Practice writing prose, poetry, and researched reports.  Reading and writing go hand in hand so after you read a few books attempt to write like the authors.

Tip 7: Get ready to be hated.  Like I said previously everyone has their own idea of what is good literature and bad.  When readers strongly disagree with your thoughts they will usually let you know and not all people are able to articulate their displeasure in and intelligent fashion.

Tip 8: Read multiple review sites.  It is good to see the different ways in which you can review material.  One of my favorite types of reviews to read are the reviews on Amazon.  People get absolutely nothing for reviewing work they do it out of pure enjoyment.  There are many sites which will help you get some ideas of what criteria and presentations you can use.

Tip 9: When you figure out a format stick to it.  This is not a concrete rule, but if you find a format that your readers enjoy and you feel allows for the best review stick to it.  Be careful of straying to far from a working format.

Tip 10:  The absolutely most important factor to success is believing your words, thoughts, and actions are worthwhile.  Being successful at anything never comes with out effort and persistence.  There are a million ways to fail at what you do and only one to succeed.  You must try over and over never giving up.

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